Why TomeNET doesn’t have public git? (opinion)

There is a discussion on Discord – why TomeNET doesn’t have public git? I’ll try to explain my vision on it.

I do not know for sure. I heard that devs got private git. Why is it private? Because devs decided like this. I believe that they got clear picture how game has to be and this picture is very hardcore. Most of other players (who also wanna contribute code) do not understand this concept clearly, so it’s easier for devs to fully control development than having debates – which stuff is good and which is bad. That’s why I suggested to have very strict rules in terms of new commits.. So devs wouldn’t need to spend a lot of time in debates and explaining (please note, that it’s all just my thoughts, I do not know really).

So for now, we (community) could suggest our help and kindly ask for allowing us to help. We ask because dev’s are not obliged to us to change something; actually I believe it’s another big reason for private development – reduce obligations to community and other people.

That’s why we have to suggest such concept of public git – which would preserve core-devs control over project and there wouldn’t be need for them to spend time over explaining why they refused that or this idea. I’ve noticed that if I suggest any idea – devs most of the time do not reply on email/message, but if they like the idea – it appears in time; if they do not like – it doesn’t. So I just suggest all the stuff and do not expect for devs to react somehow. They work on project in their free time and they are not obliged to explain their ‘moves’. So if we wanna to suggest our help in frames of public git – we have to ask for it with presentation of the concept in which nobody wouldn’t be offenced if he didn’t receive an explanation for a refuse of commit or something. They do not want conflicts and they do not want to explain (again it’s all my speculations).

Just imagine this example: one guy suggested (and commited) to add new monsters. He spend a lot of time on it. But right now game it perfectly balanced and there is not need for it, so devs refused commit. Guy is angry. He ask for explanations. And devs has to spend emotions and time for explaining. And it’s not one guy, but 10 guys. And not 1 time, but 100 times. I supposes – it’s the reason why devs do not want to make git public. So the only way to get to it – have concept when devs do not have obligations (and all know it) to explain their decisions.

Would coders accept such concept? Not all. Coders are proud ‘1337’ folks, everyone (almost) got his own strong opinion and think that it’s the only right one; they want explanations and demand answers. That’s why I suppose devs even didn’t try to propose public git; too much ’empty’ fuss. We have to propose it on favorable terms for them, so devs would have the same feeling of ‘no obligations to anyone’.

All what you’ve read about – just my guesses. Maybe the reasons are different or there are no reasons at all.

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TomeNET needs public git repository

In the past I though about roadmap of development as quite important thing.. Hell to it!

But what would be great to have – public git repository so TomeNET’s community could contribute to the project. I believe there are several people around who are willing to contribute to the game.. Some of them are pretty able to do so.

The problem
We all know high standarts of TomeNET development and very strict policy for accepting /rfes. All this years devs made really amazing job in terms of preserving game very good balanced, there are no imba-classes.. when I start new character I could think about which race to take for it _for hours_; it’s all because it so brilliant balanced. At the same time TomeNET become better and better with every new update; enhanced with new gameplay systems (like new spell system), new features, classes, abilities..

It’s essential to keep such high standarts of game development. Thats why TomeNET git repo should have very strict policy in terms of accepting new commits. People who contribute to the code should understand that and do not take offense if their commits would be refused sometimes. There has to be no emotions, but trust to ‘core dev team’ who work at TomeNET for 17+ years and know what is good for TomeNET and what is bad.

1) It’s time to create formalized way to contribute to the project for TomeNET community.
2) Lets ‘core dev team’ (current dev team) would take full control over new commits and would preserve very strict policy of game development. 
3) not_TomeNETish/raw/broken/stupid stuff should be refused without regret; nobody has to take offence about it. No drama -> Win. Everyone should finish their ideas to perfection and only after that send it to the core-git-repo.

Such a rigorous concept will prevent the counterproductive consequences that can arise in the environment of creative people working on such unusual (the most complex online game, eh?) open source project. And at the same moment, it’s time for TomeNET to open its doors to new developers. I really hope that the best online game in the World will be even better if development become truly open.

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Make ‘poison’ useful

Currently there is absolutely no sense in using poison when you play runie: monsters do not care about poison

It would be fun to have some monsters who would be if not susp_poison (but why not actually!?), but at least would be protected from other elements, so poison would be a choice. I would suggest give one of ‘U’ protection (at least resistances) from all major elements except poison.

My favorite thing atm – meet iron ‘L’ and hit him with 1200dmg with acid bolt 😀 It would be fun to make such gameplay opportunities happen more often VS different monsters

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[class] Runemaster ideas

Recently devs made very important update with new runemaster features, such as (from /motd):

– Swapped glyph and sigil, surge has a new effect.
– Renamed sigil to seal (res), boon to sigil.
– Enhanced mod no longer requires holding a rune.
– Sign/seal, glyph/sigil now has a chance to fail.
– Glyphs may not be recovered nor consume runes.

Let’s make a feedback there and brainstorm any other ideas about runie!

My 5 cents: Continue reading

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What’s new in TomeNET (MMORPG-roguelike)

It’s been a couple of months since my past ‘review’ of TomeNET; Life in the game boils and beats with the key! What’s new:

1) In TomeNET an interesting update of the runemaster class! Details can be found by going into the game (in / motd).

2) I released a new version of my addon for TomeNET – now you can assign macros to numlock, capslock, winkey and numpad + 5. Hooray! Download there: http://igroglaz.com/en/t/addon/

3) Finally I made the decoding of my tileset for TomeNET: http://igroglaz.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/tomenet-tileset.png

4) I wrote small article on “What TomeNET taught me”:
http://igroglaz.com/gamer/mmorpg-strah/ will be continued …

5) In our disc drive, come, read the stories of the adventures of our heroes and share your 🙂 Please join it by the link – https://discordapp.com/invite/rASkhCg  We will help you to understand the game (btw you can use Discord from web-browser, without installing anything, very comfortble)

And of course, I invite you to my daily streams 😀 Links to my stream channels at right side on this page!

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What I learned playing TomeNET: fighting with fear

It is extremely curious to learn lessons and improve your skills in real life by playing MMORPG. For a long gaming career I learned a lot – from the experience of managing communities and leadership to the skills of processing a large amount of information in a short time & etc

Recently, my main teacher nowadays is TomeNET. What did I learn from playing it?

For example, fighting fear. When I’m afraid and play too cautiously – I often make mistakes. Fear intensifies adrenaline and jitters, which leads to making mistakes. And of course, the speed of progress suffers – playing too carefully make you to achieve the results very slowly.

This is also applicable in real life. Excessive fear leads to loss of control over yourself and your actions. Increased caution can lead you to miss important opportunities; you will become a slave to the fear of failure.

Far better is to boldly get involved in a fight. Not recklessly, calculating situations – but be prepared to lose everything and start from the beginning. If others can, why can not you? Forward!

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TomeNET online roguelike – deepest gameplay of all MMORPG

Hiho! I play TomeNET for a 3 years and I feel that this is the deepest online game in terms of gameplay. It got enhanced roguelike features in perfect bond with modern MMORPG concept and… Tolkien lore. I’m trying to show it’s beauty to the new generation of gamers, that’s why I’ve made this video.

Hope to see your feedback!

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Devilian story by Tangar Igroglaz

Hello, friend. My name is Tangar (Tany in childhood) and I live at Seadrift realm. I am Evoker.. Or you don’t know who is it? Hm… Some people call us magicians or wizards. You said that you want be a wizard too?.. Wait for my story, friend.. Where did I stopped? Oh well, you wanted to hear more about me.. By my leadership for the last four and half hundred years exist small guild — “Angels”… You could ask me – how Devilian could be called Angel? Not everything at once, my friend, this story is for another day.. Right now I’ll tell you how everything started and maybe you would change your mind to become a wizard.

* * *

Don’t judge me for my language. I was from common-folk and didn’t get any education. I was born and Windbrook Village. You know, quiet place at the west cost, place where fishermans lives, poor but happy. My family had best fate than sea dwelling – my mother was taken for a work as maid at Van Houte manor. I didnt know my father though… But we had decent life, my mother was one of the most beautiful womans in manor, and our master take cared of her well. Al least I though so that time…

Still I was an ordinary girl, just the same as other kids. Everyone called me Tany – by the name of small funny fish. All my childhood was happy, although I started to help my mother in washing, ironing and other work when I was 8. But I still got enough time for playing with my friends – mainly sons and daughters of local fishermans. It was the most happy days in my life… Everyday was like the same – laughter, running around, swimming happily.. But one day everything changed.

I was 13. It was holiday, sunny weather, salty wind was warm and tender. We played with my friends at the center of village. Suddenly I felt SOMETHING strange inside me… It become cold and hot at the same time at the tips of my fingers. My hands become trembling. I was afraid and tried to knock off _this_ from my hands.. And this is what happens next:

Something horrifying. Huge flames appeared from the air and in a moment enormous ice globes come from the sky and melt in that flames. I couldn’t control it, it was just happening without any purpose! I was petrified. But this flames didnt hurt me, frozen globes didn’t make any harm to my little trembled body. After a few seconds it was ended. Its ended very abruptly. I looked around…. All my friends, my beloved friends, little kids… was dead. I killed them with this foul magic, which I’ve made time in my life, so sudden, so ubnormal. I was shocked and paralized, cant even cry – I looked around myself, I saw burned bodies of my friends… Its a dream, it can’t be!

VIllage folk came. In a seconds they, fishers, grabbed me, teared me:
– WITCH, she is DEVIL witch! BURN HER! KILL HER! HANG HER! – cried mad crowd.

I was tortued by fathers and mothers of my friends, while they took me to huge tree. There they tortured me, someone brough thick rope.


Do you recognize this tree, friend? It still grow near village…

Our village priest nimbly tied a knot at my neck and I was hanged like a small fluff by the triumph of crowd… But I didn’t die. I become flying… I didnt want to, but I flew.. I though

People still fear to come to close to this rusty doors at old ruins…

Perun was a drunkard and villagers laught at him everytime when he trailed around village and sign songs at strange languages…

But now he had a sober look. I even didnt recognize his bright eyes. They shone with blue fire.

– Beware… Don’t move.. And don’t talk.. Its too dangerous in your situation.. – he said softly.

I wasn’t even tried. I was still scorching with pain in all my cells.

– Just listen me, poor child – said old Perun and took a big sip from dusty bottle.

Perun told me that I’m a devilian. It was so long time since they appeared in the World, that people even forget their existance. He told so much complex things – about world’s creation, about eternal war and devils who trying to conquer our world again and again from ancient times..

– You are choosen, Tany. World is in deadly danger. Only you and other devilians could safe us.. – he finished his long speech.

I got bloody tears in my eyes.

– I’m just a killer! I killed my friends! I don’t want to live!.. – I cried and blood came from my lungs with loud caugh. I choked with blood…

Perun made fast movement and took me at his hands like I was a snowflake. He become to sing strange song and silver magical threads appeared from the air and waved around me… I stopped coughing and started to breath.

– It would end soon, you would understand everything, I promise, kid. – told Perun quietly and kissed me into forehead.

* * *

As Perun said, in a few years become a War. Devils’ legions came and destroyed all what I loved. Perun brought me to sacred chamber and teached me all what he knew. He appeared to be one of the last Devillians who survived The Last War. Then _they_ found us. Perun told me to run and created a portal fo me. I didn’t want to go and wanted to say that I would fight with him, but he just throw me in to portal and it was closed… I was alone at the bridge… Then I felt something touch my leg. It was my small friend – little rabbit Niky, he managed to follow me and jumped to portal. His ears were trembling because of cold.

Yes, it was deadly cold there, but I didn’t thought about it. Where is Perun?! Did he managed to escape?!.. I took a deep breath, casted mantra of warm as Perun teached me… Then I took Niky, layed him in my bosom and start my way to smoking chimneys at the end of horizon.

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