Tangar’s To-Do list

This is list of my current and past work to help TomeNet (http://tomenet.eu). Last time updated long time ago… Need to re-update 🙂

1) // DONE video-reviews RuEn 
2) // DONE streams RuEn
3) // DONE “call for players” videos ru1ru2ru3ru4 // en1en2en3en4
4) short (2 minutes) video tutorial with basics in English and in Russian (based at http://www.tomenet.eu/getting-started.php )
5) TomeNet video trailer (2 minutes) in English and in Russian. Idea of trailer – show glyphs become monsters.. D become dragon, p – mage & etc
6) TomeNet gameplay trailer // IN PROGRESS en YASTsru YASTs, need more compilations of great moments
7) Total newbie guide // IN PROGRESS Russian
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Ultima Online server WITHOUT macroses

I started to play UO in 1999. In that time we didnt had any macroses exept, maybe UOLOOP. And we raised skills mostly by our hands. Do you remember, guys, bone room in Deceit? Its how we actually gained our skills that time… A lot of fun and PKs  It was REAL UO.

I do not like unnatented sparryings. I do not like macroing which killed a lot of fun in UO. At Rel Por its better than @ other servers (no afk-resource-gathering), but there is REAL possibility to return REAL Ultima Online with this capcha system, applied to all skills. Macro = ban. Then this server would be REALLY different. OSI didn’t had capcha and couldn’t ban macrosers – it was very-very rare if somebody would report you. All people macroing at OSI. There, at Rel Por, we could stop that. Continue reading

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Devilian guides

In this topic I’ll post my video guides for Devilian   Please if you wanna to see a guide about something – just reply to this topic with a demand – I’ll make a guide for you 

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Das Tal — sandbox mmorpg

Hi ho, catguys!

Its beign a long time from my first stream 🙂 Just a few minutes ago I’ve just finished my second one; its like “Twenty Years After” (by Alexandre Dumas):

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fs_o6jE5O4k (its in Russian) Continue reading

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RPG MO — oldschool pixel-art MMORPG

Hi ho, catguys! %)

Lets disscuss RPG MO ( rpg.mo.ee ). This game reminds us about the past, about the affairs of bygone days, when we conquered expanses of RuneScape and Ultima Online. Kings Bounty-style pixel art, tense full-loot and a beautiful sandbox economy would not leave you indifferent!

Yes, this is how games used to look years ago (I mean graphics). So we got there game with awesome oldschool pixel-art look and modern MMO mechanics and advanced economy model  Quite hardcore game – if you would die – you would loose everything except 2 items (the most valuable ones).

Not everybody would understand fun of this game – this game require to have some imagination. I’ve made review of RPG MO: Continue reading

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MAngband font 20×30 – big font for roguelike

I’ve tried to use my TomeNet font in MAngband but it do not show walls… So I’ve resized font a bit to play more comfortable if you prefer “one window” style. Its 20×30 font which works perfectly at 1600 900 resolution and OS Windows font scale 150%.

You could download big font for Mangband there: http://igroglaz.com/wp-content/uploads/games/mangband/tileset_1-0.zip

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[impressions] Battle system of Ember Online (MUD)

Overall, I like Ember Online very much. This game has the most friendly UI (among MUDs) which I saw. It make playing this MUD very big pleasure.

Also I love the world, locations, setting, lore, classes and races… It’s all very well done. 

But I see some parts of gameplay which could be improved IMHO. And the most crucial is Battle system of some classes. 

I like general battle concept very much – that there is certain time for a turn and you have some time between turns to understand whats going on. It’s made very nice. But… battle itself is too repetive and at certain point become boring. Continue reading

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Project: Gorgon SUGGESTIONS

Project Gorgon it’s very rare game in modern times – it’s become better and better the more you play. But its very important to make ‘bright’ and polished beginning of the game. I mean newbie island… Some suggestions:

1) newbie armour. It looks quite wierd right now cause of its greenish color.Its very important – to make new player to like his character. I could advice make something more traditional color – grey for example..

Actually its not only about newbie armour, but to all armours which I saw… Game has very nice oldschool graphics style (I like it very much actually), but armour colors making it not so fun. Its TOO bright. What could be better? Maybe try to inspire at other oldschool games, like UO: Continue reading

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Clash Royale — new genre in online games

I play online games (MMORPG/MOBA mostly) since 1999. Right now MMORPG/MOBA genre in deep crysis, not much new ideas, only WoW/LoL clones everywhere… So imagine my surprise when I found out that online games industry at ‘mobile’ platforms made huge breakthrough. I was very amazed by founding out about Clash Royale recently. This game united 3 genres – MOBA, CCG and tower-defence… So it’s actually a new genre by itself. I’ve transfered my impressions into video review with pluses and minuses of CR: Continue reading

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Rage of Mage 2 via Internet (Allods 2 online)

Rage of Mages 2 (Allods 2) — one of the best online RPGs. Classic of the genre. Its full of adventures, magic and battles, hardcore PvP and complex PvE. 

I invite you to play at Allods2.eu — oldschool A2 server. 

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Mud-roguelike-z-MMORPG: development news

It’s first announcement of the game in English (did it in Russian some time ago @ https://youtube.com/igroglaz ). I’ve posted it at some web resources. I hope very much that people would leave feedback about it.

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How we are going to create our online game? Technologies

Actually… What is _online game_ ? The answer is:

1) DATABASE. which got proceeded by certain…
2) programming enviroment (language)…
3) and wrapped into UI to make gameplay situations easier to ‘read’ by player. EX: put all boring but important stuff to the map. All repeated actions to UI…
4) which has to have some illustrations to simplify game ‘reading’ further. It’s fun to have some 2D graphics. But it’s first purpose – make game more ‘readable’. Second purpose – make it easier to imagine what’s going on 

What do we need for it? Continue reading

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Why do I want to create my own online game?

Why I’ve decided to create my own online game?

Part I – current MMORPGs decline

mud-roguelike-z-MMORPG (MuRz?) It would look like ‘text browser online game’ , but with quite deep (complex) UI and some 2D graphics (map & some other stuff).

Online games evolution: mud -> 2d-roguelike -> MMORPG

1) Everything started from MUDs. 
2) Then MUDs took certain roguelike elements (Tibia, Runescape & etc) and became 2d-MMORPGs.
3) 2d-MMORPG took graphics from singleplayer RPGs and they become modern MMORPGs (3d or isometric). Continue reading

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Diablo 3 VS Devilian — battle for BEST Hack’n’Slash experience

Which hack’n’slash is better – Devilian or Diablo 3? Comparison of combat systems would show you everything in my new video

So guys.. What do you think about this comparison? 

I got discussion with Xyth: Continue reading

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MMORPG cycle: how we start and end playing online games

Every MMORPG player has his own MMORPG Cycle – how we start and end our adventures in every particular game. When we start to play a new online game, we think that it would be _special_ and we would be there forever. However everything good has to ends, sooner or later. I’ve tried to understand my feeling about it and also to compare Cycle of casual mainstream games (WoW as example) and sandbox ones (ex: UO):

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