Ultima Online at UOForever shard

I’m old UO player. I started at 1999 at classic OSI severs (Atlantic, Drachenfels, Catskills, Europe) then went to Siege Perilous (2003).

Also I played at loads of free shards, especially at period from 2001 till 2004. From time to time I’m playing OSI and private UO servers till now. Continue reading

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Albion Online: how to make it ‘casual friendly’

The problem: casual player wouldn’t have much to do after 1-2 months. At first it’s exiting just to run around; kill mobs; gather resources; get into first PvP battles… But eventually you have to end up in black zones which are occupied by gangs and zergs and there isn’t much _FAIR_ (‘MOBA style’ actually) PvP. Casual players NEEDS fair PvP, with equal players-amount/chances/gear; so only your playing skill would matter; not the time which you spend on grind or how much ‘friends’ do you have in your zerg.

It’s great that now we got Arenas. There is still problem when you queue as solo player and get VS premade (I stopped playing until it would be fixed), but anyway it’s huge progress towards FAIR PvP. What do we need now: Continue reading

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Wyvern – roguelike-MUD

Wyvern – roguelike-MUD; it’s something in the middle of this two genres; inspired by NetHack, Crossfire & other oldschool games. It’s pretty deep game with rich world, much deeper than modern MMORPGs 

Currently it works @ mobiles – Android/iOS. PC client comming soon, right now to play at PC you have to use Android emulator; I recommend MEMU ( http://www.memuplay.com/ ) for Windows and Anbox ( https://anbox.io/ ) for Linux).

This is my 1st time in Wyvern, first impressions: Continue reading

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Tibia KOS-list (Kill On Sight)

Hi ho! As we play at relatively new server and everyone knows each other, lets create enemies list?

I suggest to create such structure:

– What happened
– Why happened
– Names and lvls of enemies Continue reading

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TIbia @ Linux GUIDE

How to play Tibia via Linux OS… In this guide I’ll show all the steps so even newbie could do so. Continue reading

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Mystera Legacy: farewell.. and welcome again!

So, guys  Its time to make a break to the game. I was killed by somebody – don’t wanna mention his name to make it famous  Interesting how they got me – I was behind 2 walls with floors and 1 additional wall with nature tiles.. You could use underground to pass nature-tiles wall, but I also had two full repaired stone walls with floors. No shallow water or dirt inside. Also I putted new floor tiles daily. Mistery  May be just brute force while I slept. Continue reading

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Mystera Legacy GUIDE by Tangar

There I’ll put notices, advices and secrets which could help ya in Mystera Legacy 🙂

— controls: move with arrow-keys. To pick up items use “shift”, to turn your character around – ctrl+arrow. To attack/interact – “space”.

— when you start to play try to read “chat”. Game gives you advices what to do. Use “/quest” command to understand what to do; “/help” to find out base controls.

— speak in general chat “/b …”, private message “/t [name] …”. Continue reading

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Shroud of the Avatar – Tangar’s SotA articles and videos

SotA – MMO and solo experience

1) MMORPG is about competition… a lot.
2) Competition = each player want to get more resources than others.
3) Currently solo gaming gives player more resources than in online mode – you could meet more mobs, nodes, chests & etc.

People would play mainly in solo-mode if there wouldn’t be any bonuses for playing MMO-mode – like extra experience or bonus loot.

SotA – newbie experience

Some new players complain about newbie items durability and that its hard to get repair kit… But newbie do not need repair kit, guys 

Yep, things break. But newbie items has more then enough durability. Its impossible to destroy newbie items for 3 hours, for example  Till then you would get loads of gold for quests, loot from mobs, items from crates & etc. You even could play NAKED and beat weak monsters, gather resources, complete quests… But again, its not necessary – game gives you pretty good weapons at the beginning. Continue reading

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[LIST] Online roguelike games – multiplayer roguelikes, MMO-roguelike

Currently there are 3 truly online roguelike games:

1) MAngband ( http://mangband.org )
2) TomeNET (http://tomenet.eu)
3) PWMAngband ( http://powerwyrm.monsite-orange.fr )
4) Tangaria ( http://tangaria.com ) // soon would be renamed to ‘Tangaria’

– PernMAngband it was actually TomeNET, which was renamed cause copyright Pern issues. 
– TomeNET is the most popular online roguelike; but also there are two more online roguelike games – MAngband (was 1st online roguelike ever) and PWMAngband (got some pretty revolutionary stuff). I myself develop Tangaria (Tangaria).
– I tried hard to be able to play Nethack online, but didn’t get success; it seems all devs abandoned their work long time ago.

Also some online games with strong roguelike elements:
1) Tibia
2) Mystera Legacy
4) RotMG (not too roguelikish, but interesting)
5) Orake

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[guide] Dungeons of Dredmor HOWTO increase size, UI, font, scale ♣ roguelike game

To increase OVERALL size of Dungeons of Dredmor:
1) download virtual box https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads and install new guest system
2) in VB menu: view -> scale factor -> 150%
3) assign the same low resolution as your desktop has to the game

To make font bigger and better readable:
1) download new fonts /games/Dungeons-of-Dredmor/big_size_font.7z (thanks to Ramza for increasing fonts!)
2) replace fonts in there: <your_disk_glyph>:\Steam\steamapps\common\Dungeons of Dredmor\fonts

Video guide instructions: Continue reading

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DCSS : Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup HOWTO make font bigger

How to make font larger in DCSS – Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup:

Open DCSS config file: Continue reading

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NetHack GUIDE: options and 32×32 tileset setup

In this guide I’ll tell how to setup kewl 32×32 tileset in last version of NetHack (3.6.0):

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NetHack — best roguelike game

NetHack is a totally free hack’n’slash single-player major roguelike video game originally released in 1987. It is a descendant of an earlier game called Hack (1985), which is a descendant of Rogue (1980). It is a multiplatform game, and runs on BeOS, DOS, Mac OS, Windows, Unix, and some others. NetHack is unforgiving: if you die, you stay dead. There is no save-and-reload crutch here. Put simply, NetHack is a harsh mistress, whose respect you must earn. In time, you learn to respect it back. There are lots of curious monsters and items, which can interact in numerous ways for surprising (and sometimes humorous) results. 

So I’ve made a few stream – my hardcore adventures in Nethack — oldschool roguelike. One of the most complicated & interesting game ever!  Continue reading

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[tileset] ‘Tangar’s tileset’ — 1-bit pseudo-graphics font for TomeNET or any other games who wish to use it :D

Hi ho! I’m not a developer… but I’m a big fun of roguelike games and especially TomeNET – online multiplayer roguelike game. After I first time tried TomeNET (and had YASD lol) two years ago, my dream was to make it more ‘readable’ – so player could recognize dangerous monster asap and make right desicion – to fight or to run  In TomeNET it’s very important, cause it’s ‘real-time’ roguelike (actually it’s also ‘turn-based’, but turns are very fast and based at FPS (https://tomenet.eu/guide.php?chapter=4.14). Continue reading

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[to game developers] Youtuber at your service! I would be glad to make ‘first impression’ stream for your game!

Hi ho! This is suggestion to roguelike and game developers in general. I’m mainly play MMORPG games and I’m not biggest expert in roguelikes, but I enjoy this genre for a long time. I’ve tried NetHack ~ 20 years ago; then after long break I return back to roguelikes ~5 years ago. I’m making videos about my adventures at my English (https://youtube.com/Tangaria) ) and Russian (https://youtube.com/StreamGuild) ) youtube channels.

For now I regularly play mainly @ TomeNET, but also enjoying traditional roguelikes. So far I tried and made videos about: Continue reading

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