[suggestion] Share exp in dungeon even without party

Right now we got a huge problem in multiplayer interactive system. Just take a look at it:


When I meet anyone in dungeon – I got feeling of frustruation. Why? Because I get less experience while someone else at the level (he kill monsters -> I got nothing). Its especially critical at low-mid level of progress. Everytime when someone around – I’m trying to go to another lvl asap to get full exp from lvl. Continue reading

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[idea] How to make wilderness EXCITING in roguelike

TomeNet has beautiful “open” world system. Its one of the most unique TomeNet features. Yep, we got a lot of wilderness! But right now its in most cases players just trying to pass this wilderness as soon as possible to get into the dungeon. 

In the same time wilderness has HUGE potential of beign very exiting place. All what we need – to motivate people to explore it. How to do so? Lets me propose a few ideas for it:

1) rare boss monster spawns. Group content. Every hour or so all people in-game receive BIG SCARY MESSAGE, like: Continue reading

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Quests for TomeNET

Old grumpy orc:

– Hey you! YOU, with stupid %player_weapon% in your hands! Come here, I have a job for %player_class%er like you!

– I’m old orc and do not know words of politeness. This scummy humble-words is not for me. Yes! But I need help. And I’ll pay for it! Don’t you like small shiny coins, sweety? AHAHAA
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Relief (terrain) in roguelike games

I had a walk at the bank of river close to the forest and thought… It would be awesome to have land relief in TomeNet! We already got a lot of land types (from grass to lava), so we could make game even more interesting! Continue reading

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TomeNet REVIEW — online roguelike game (MMORPG-roguelike)

TomeNet (http://www.tomenet.eu/) — online roguelike. You could call it MMORPG-rogulike game.

TomeNet combines the complexity and unpredictability of roguelike genre and all the possibilities of modern MMORPGs. In addition to the traditional offline roguelikes features, in TomeNet you could interact with another players – kill monsters together, trade, PvP (dueling and even PK!), chat & etc. TomeNet has great economy system and a lot of players stores! Yes! You could even become the owner of your OWN home! Continue reading

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TomeNET: why open-source matters?

In continuation of the discussion about public git repo … I believe right now there are more players who willing to contribute than before (in compare to 3 previous years which I play). I’ve met questions about repo quite often recently. Such high % amount of IT-guys I didn’t meet in any online game (it’s roguelike specifics). Continue reading

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Ultima Online – offical vs private servers

UO is very unique game in different ways. One of them – official servers are worst than private ones… Why? Cause master of UO brand – Electronic Arts – did everything to kill official UO. Last nail to the coffin was trammel and insurance. Continue reading

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Guide: UO + Razor at fullscreen without flickering :)

Today I’ll show how run UO with Razor at large monitors without flickering and glitches 

Some notes about pseudo-fullscreen mode: Continue reading

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Small tutorial-guide for new Ultima Online players: what to do?

Ultima Online – sandbox game, where you are free to do what do you like. I’ll try to tell a few words, how to start.

1) When you create character – take magery skill, it’s quite hard to gain and it’s useful for any character. Second skill could be any other, based at your style. Take max strenght, other paramaters isn’t too important in the beginning.
2) The best place to start – Britain, the most popular city at the most servers.

Then, I would suggest try to interact with enviroment around you. For example: Continue reading

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UO Cataclysm shard – first impressions, suggestions and review

Cataclysm – oldschool sphere-like shard with no-skillcap and a lot of interesting features. My first impressions is positive, I like this shard, it feels very close to golden sphere era. But: Continue reading

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From Runescape to Ultima Online

Just an advice for a guys who just moved from RS to UO:

I also play RS and could advice you to find server without skillcap – it would be very close to RS experience. There you could level all your skills at one character and play with quite interesting balance. At UOForever your skills limited to 700 summ per character; it makes unique 7x balance, but make you less feel your character, less RP-feeling cause you have to create separate crafter char, separate mage & etc..

Personally I play @ cataclysmuo.com server; not too big population there atm, but pretty interesting concept, pvp and pve.. And much more closer to RS gameplay.

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Ultima Online @ Rel Por — fresh view

My past post about Rel Por shard was like an introduction… Now it’s time to make some suggestion to it’s developers.

So what I could say:
Rel Por its a diffenetely unique and very interesting UO experience. You, guys, made huge and great job of creating new world… But there is some problems imho, which could be solved to make everything even better. Continue reading

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Classic UO shard – Ultima Online: Second Age

UO Second Age (http://www.uosecondage.com/) – a classic, free to play Ultima Online shard. Continue reading

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No-trammel UO shard – Renaissance

UO:Renaissance (http://www.uorenaissance.com/) is an Ultima Online free-shard, based on Renaissance era mechanics, without the influences of Trammel.  Continue reading

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New UO shard – Rel Por

Rel Por (http://relporuo.com/) – is a new take on “classic era” Ultima Online. The core elements of oldschool UO are intact: crafting, housing, dungeons, guilds, player killers, thieves. Continue reading

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