Achaea (MUD) FIRST IMRESSIONS @ Tangar streams

Hiho! I’ve just tried Achaea and quite shocked about it’s advanced client. Very cool indeed! I’ve made video with my first impressions:

Would be glad to see your feedback! 😀

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RP in MMORPG vs tabletop RPG (D&D & etc)

After my video about escape from boring MMORPG gameplay to D&D worlds, I got a few comments of this kind:

What you are telling, Tangarich, it’s all implemented in WoW (server Argent Dawn) and in EK2 (server Antonia Bayle). This is RP.

Or yet another comment:

You know roleplay servers are a thing, right?

I’ve decided to write this tiny article to explain why RP in MMORPG can’t help solve this problem.

Unfortunately, the RP in PC games looks very ‘shallow’ compared to DnD, because it is very ‘homegrown’, unregulated and unformalized. In contrary, RP in DnD in this regard is very clear – with roll checks and strict mechanics described in rulebook. They answered me:

In theory, no one hinders to supplement MMORPG role-playing with certain rules and mechanics, as in DND. In fact – yes, nobody care about it.

Yes, apparently RPers in MMORPG never does that (I know what I’m talking about, I’ve done a lot of RP in UO). In most cases RP in online games is reduced to roleplay the character (to behave as your race/class/character), following the game’s LORE and writing emotions in the chat like *yawning*, *picking in the nose *, * scratching my ear *. All other things – like fighting system, your actions & etc are based at game engine (which is shallow and stupid); the depth of the gameplay mechanics remains the same as in the original game. The character’s interaction with the world takes place within the game engine, with the same restrictions. That’s why people still play DnD – they could give you much more than RP in MMORPGs.

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[analytics] Verbal MMORPG: MMORPG genre and Dungeons&Dragons-like tabletop RPGs

 It’s already for some time while I get bored by MMORPGs gameplay.. I played online games for 20 years (Ultima Online FTW!) and past ~5 years I started to look for ‘new feelings’ in MUDs (text MMORPGs) and online roguelikes (like TomeNET) because these ‘oldschool’ games give you move ‘sandbox’ feeling and have much deeper gameplay mechanics then modern graphical WoW-clone MMORPG @#$%.

And finally I made yet another step forward towards ‘better’ gameplay (‘Make MMORPG gameplay great again!’) and started to play Dungeons&Dragons tabletop games via internet. Actually you could call them ‘Verbal MMORPG‘. This is video with my first impressions and analysis of current situation between MMORPG genre and tabletop RPGs:

Would be very glad to see your feedback, folks! 😀

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Voice interface in MUDs

It would be great to add voice control (and, in general, the voice interface) to MUDs – after all, this is the perfect genre for it; in fact it’s the only online games’ genre where such “interface” will be convenient, very useful and necessary. Why did this thought come to my mind? I’ve recently damaged my right hand and now I’m a one-armed pirate; I work only left hand and can’t play ‘common’ online games. It’s like to become temporary a disabled person…

Afre such event you immediately begin to understand how important it is to develop alternative controls and interfaces in games. I am convinced that if such an interface is properly implemented, it will attract a large number of new players to the MUD genre and in general will give breathe of new life into it (sadly, but now MUDs is quite niche game, even too much).

How ot impletent it? Continue reading

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TomeNET addon: important notice

Considering last version of my addon:

NumLock key remapping works good only for ‘slow’ actions. Do not macro potions or important spells on it. NumLock works with a delay, so if, for example, you have [Fire-till-kill + auto-retalliation], monster comes in melee and you would try to drink a potion – it wouldn’t work (died twice before understood source of problem). So it’s only safe to use NumLock for misc. actions which you wouldn’t use in battle (like show ‘map’ key)

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TomeNET stages

There I got an idea about game stages. pre-Angband and Angband.. May be then there would be post-Angband, donno.

Anyway, lets try to look at this idea more detailed. I think there could be divided some more stages: Continue reading

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TomeNET learning curve

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Tangar’s [East Bree shops] – finest shops in the land!

Yet Another Update Guys please note that today I had to close most of my small shops (and RP-shops also) near Bree cause for recent times you can’t have more then 30 houses at account (it’s finally fixed :evil: )… I had to close ~15 shops because I’ll need more space to storage items so I had to buy storage-houses near Lothlorien :(

Maybe it would be good idea do not count small houses equal to storage houses to support small business and RP :) Continue reading

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SIMPLE crafting system for roguelike (TomeNET)

Why crafting is important to online game? It gives people more things to do. Sometime you get too bored of just killing staff again and again and its great to have some other things to do. Some players like to gather resources, hunting for items, trading & etc. So crafting system gives people more opportunities and more choices what to do in TomeNet.

I’ve already mentioned design of fishing skill there – It wasn’t really good cause of complexity of its design. I wanna propose my new idea about crafting.
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Fishing (crafting skill)

TomeNet is MMORPG. And for each MMORPG its nice to have crafting – possibility to create something, to obtain items not only from killing monsters, but also made it with your hands.

I understand that its kinda hard to add something like this and do not disturb balance of the game. But we could do something simple, but fun. Continue reading

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[idea] how to make DK interesting and remove grind from it

I belive that at character creation its important to give everyone equal starting opportunities. I mean a new-born character has to have the same _possibilities_ for everyone.

Right now there is events system operating. There are several events, which are designed for a new characters. If you would success in the event, your character would receive certain profit – very good item. Sometimes it could be even end-game item, like very good bow or mage stuff, cap of seeing or just wicked armour with rare resistances. Continue reading

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[impression] Experience curve

I very liked how experience/lvls progress was till lvl 40+. I was able to visit and finish (kill dungeon boss) all dungeons – from Orc Cave till The Illusory Castle and everywhere I got good experience. But then I came into Mordor.. At first it was ok, but after 45 lvl I felt that I have to go very deep to get any experience cause huge gulf which appeared between dungeon lvl and char lvl. 

Right now I’m druid dwarf 47 lvl. I just finished Mordor. I wanted to check Dol Guldur and Deads Paths, but there is not point to go there cause I would get experience at such dungeons (yellow or even grey.. and I wear Nazgul ring which drain exp, so yellow is no option). The only place to go is Angband. So I have to pass two dungeons (for the first time) and its sad a bit. Continue reading

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[idea] New features in WEATHER system

Another one of coolest feature of TomeNet is weather. And I see behind this system much more then simple cosmetic effects. It could be changed in very interesting way.

1) Make weather influence to characters. For example: rain could reduce vision, debuff chance to hit with melee or ranged items (for enemies also), buff some other things, like water and poison damage. Sunny weather – reduce nether effects, buff light damage, reduce dark magic effects & etc. Also night-time (its not really weather, but day/light system, but it could have similar concept) – could be versa to sunny weather. So night is the time of undead and wicked stuff  Continue reading

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Most underestimated skills – how to make them useful

TomeNet has some skills which need rebalancing, cause nobody using them. The most unpopular skills are:


I dont think that there are any character who put any points in it. How to fix it? Add some benefits! Continue reading

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[new skill] Throwing-mastery for roguelike

One of the best roguelike feature – a lot of freedom in manipulation with objects. And the most fun there that you can throw anything. But while I play TomeNet I do not see much interest in it cause it doesn’t really useful (exept death pots).

Its a pity, cause the most interesting for me when I played Nethack was to collect items for throwing. Actually its my favorite style of playing roguelike game – finding items which is good for throwing and then.. quite logical – throw them in to the enemies   Continue reading

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