Yet Another Update Guys please note that today I had to close most of my small shops (and RP-shops also) near Bree cause for recent times you can’t have more then 30 houses at account (it’s finally fixed )… I had to close ~15 shops because I’ll need more space to storage items so I had to buy storage-houses near Lothlorien
Maybe it would be good idea do not count small houses equal to storage houses to support small business and RP
First is shop moll at the top left corner of 33 32.
Dwarf Co. with lanterns, spades, pickaxes, picks, hummers.. Also some projectiles to get rid of orcs.
Jewelery quarter – three shops. First is amulets and rare rings, second – resist rings and last – combat rings.
Also I opened a few more shops at the bottom of 33 32, corner closest to Bree:
Drink&Go – rare potions shop with stat pots & tasty magical brew.
Ancient Library – rare scrolls shop with oldest manuscripts of the Age.
Lonely Goblin – shop with magical weapons of amazing quality.
Dark Mountain – armour shop. Visit us and you can argue with dragon.
Magery – magic shops with books, wand and staffs.
At 32 31 I got provisioner shop – “Daily Mistery”. But all potions was broken (or drunked ) while it was transported by trolls. So only scrolls of teleportation left (cause trolls cant read). Waiting for new cargo atm….
And finally at 31 32 (the closest shop to Barrow Downs!) I got Newbie shop “Rusty digger” with useful stuff for your first adventures
UPDATE in my main shops: at the south-west corner of 33 32, closest shops to Bree:
Drink&Go – rare potions shop with stat pots & tasty magical brew.
Ancient Library – rare scrolls shop with oldest manuscripts of the Age
This two shops merged in one – Drunk Library. Best stat potions and *scrolls* — always in stock! Also we opened a branch of this shop in House near Lake (Tangar lives there) – buy *RC* scrolls right now, don’t wait! Time is money, friend!
Lonely Goblin – shop with magical weapons of amazing quality.
Dark Mountain – armour shop. Visit us and you can argue with dragon.
Magery – magic shops with books, wand and staffs.
This three marvelous shops got UPDATED PRICES & ITEMS! Best artifacts in the land directly from Angband treasures!
Ever wanted to buy Book of Shadow with new supercool magic? Check Magery – magic shop with books, wand and staffs!
Top left corner of 33 32. Exclusive items for excellent wizardry!
Update All shops revamped a bit to make it more RP ) Opened a few more small fun shops in 32 31
And also some new shops near Gondolin: 28 13