Wipe, new server setup and rebalance (RoM2)

Hat was reset to use new client/server complex (allods2.eu); thanks to Anotomix and ZZYZX for help with setup. I’ve made full rebalce of spells and scrolls. You could register via discord, more info: http://igroglaz.com/en/rom2

Cya in-game!

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Rage of Mages 2: healing potions works!

Healing from potions at our server works again. A bit nerfed compared to Nival Hat (1999), but still super useful. With them you could kill dragon4 to get potion which increase stats.

Also protection from earth is much more common than on previous hats, but less common than on Nival.

Please make your suggestion about rebalance at our discord.

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RoM2: hardcore PvM mode test

Test of new mode started. Please note that it is ‘raw’, I did not have time to check anything at all. 

Good news: there is English patch 🙂

1) there are PvM cards, without a PK (I did not check :), if it does not work, I will fix it tomorrow). In general, the hat is PvM, all PvP is exclusively in the arena for now.
2) this is PvM of increased complexity, the so-called Hardcore mode (there is one in Diablo) – your char has 1 life. Upon death, experience is reset. The bottom line is that there is money left) Well, the mage also preserve spells…
3) … and these spells are much more expensive than usual; they also have changed parameters (need to be tested). Therefore, if a warrior upon death coudl just delete char and start a new one after death (do not forget to move your gold), the mage will need to be player with 00000 skills to save spells.
4) you start naked) the mage does not have a magic shield, you need to buy it
… and something else.

From the cards, everything is as before, for the test of norms.

There was a wipe. And there will be another wipe. And not even one can be. While testing, try the chips. Spells must be rebalanced, I will write about this later.

I was terribly tired of sorting out the guts of A2, while I took a break and gradually I will continue to work on the fan. Please do not turn over questions, requests, and so on. For now, you only need to report bugs 🙂

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Discord channel for “Tangar’s Hat” (Rage of Mages 2)

Our server got discord channel: https://discord.gg/5tW79kb

I warn everyone in advance that there will be strict sanctions against the swearing. Please be friendly 🙂 I really want to recreate the warm and lampy atmosphere of Nival server in 1999 – the atmosphere of mutual respect and positive.

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Hat: adventures begins!

The server is running in test mode while one card; I’ll add more tomorrow. Instructions on how to play:


I’m smoking configs now, so maybe a wipe will be very soon.

Thanks to Anotomix, as well as ZZYZX and Neo for help with setting up the server 🙂

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Angband (roguelike) guide: tips & tricks

To make savefile load automatically when you start Angband

Right click the shortcut, there should be a field in properties ‘Object’ where you can add path to savefile, eg:

C:\games\angband\angband.exe “C:\games\angband\lib\user\save\tangar”

Or, if you have the angband directory as working directory, just:
angband.exe lib\user\save\tangar

In linux it would be -utangar Continue reading

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Diversity of terrain in Angband (roguelike)

Commenting guy from Dwaft Fortress forum:

it’s still the exact same boring dungeon generation big empty room, very long corridors of nothing , no special dungeon features or etc

I suppose it won’t hurt if the game would more terrain features, eg:

– water generation (streams and lakes, flooded levels)
– chasms (also different types, some could work like ‘big’ pit-traps, floors-like where you could fight with monsters (with certain +/-); some like deep descent chasms)
– more types of terrain – floors/walls. Online roguelikes (PWMA and TomeNET) got different layouts in the dungeons, it makes adventure more diverse. As V got one dungeon, it could have such features just certain lvls, eg
— some levels could be ‘cold’ (with icy floors which could be slippery – such ones exist in TomeNET; ice walls (melted by fire easely).
— some could be hot (with sand, which is easy to dig) etc

Also TomeNET had relatively recent update with great way of ‘inserting’ parts of the ‘interesting’ terrain in the dungeon. So in common ‘stone’ dungeons could be small patches of sandy walls (they looks very organic as they come in certain group/pattern, not randomly; it looks and feels very fun), maybe V-devs could investigate how it’s made in TomeNET code

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Angband (roguelike): big size font for UI

My font for Angband, 24×36 px (BIG!)

Recently I’ve started to play Angband (my stream) and noticed that it’s got very tiny fonts (for my bad vision). At first I didn’t figured out how to change it to big ones (as when I tried to do it via menu – it glitched), but then I’ve understood how to make it properly. 

The thing is that “TileWid=..” and “TileHgt=..” in angband.INI (config file) should have the same values as your font size. Then everything works 🙂

So I wanna present my fonts for Angband, which I drew myself. To get them work you need to download them and put to ..\lib\fonts folder and then register them via config file or via game options menu.


I use this font for 1920×1080 with 150% Windows scaling.

Have fun!

If Angband devs like this font, I’ll be glad if it would be included to Angband package. It’s already included to TomeNET, PWMA, MAng. Actually there are not only font, but 1-bit graphical tileset with 23 size variants of this font, but all of them optimized for TomeNET. Maybe in time I’ll optimize it for Angband too 🙂

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PWMAngband: min/max lvl reqs to prevent scumming

/rfe add “Minimum/maximum level requirements” flag to objects.txt (eg in tomenet).

It would help to balance items and prevent a lot of scumming mechanics (passing powerful objects to low lvl players etc).

This flag could be optional, so there won’t be need to assign it for all existing equipment; just to add it where it really needed.

In comparisson to TomeNET, PWMA could have more advanced lvl assigning – to have also ‘maximum lvl reqs’ for items. It could be really useful to prevent high lvl players to scum low lvl dungeons for certain low lvl items. Eg ‘food’ which is an important resource @ AO; without such restriction high lvl players could just grind food in newbie dungeon which makes hunger system not so awesome as it could be.. One of my favorite ever moments in playing online roguelikes was where I thought that I’m out of food in IDDC and I had to eat all what I found to survive – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4lP2L_vHzc … this should be situation which players rarely get, it would give players a lot of fun. And if player want to avoid it – he still would be able to buy food from other players; but it should be rare to make it interesting.

Yet another addition to solve this problem is to have “maximum level requirements” parameter for dungeons in dungeons.txt; so player won’t be able to come in dungeons which got weakier monsters. Then it would be possible to prevent low lvl dungeons scumming at all. Also it would make rescue missions more interesting as players would have to rescue “equals”.. Without it most of rescue missions are quite boring – cause you come to the dungeon with high lvl char to rescue low lvl char in low lvl dungeon. Also it would motivate players to play together in parties.

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[M&M 6] Potion brewing without guides/save-loads: minimum req. lvl

Hiho! I wondered how we could get on with potions if you try to avoid spoilers/guides/save-loads scumming in Might and Magic 6? In MM6 there is no recepies (compared to MM7)..

So I’m thinking about such workaround – to use spoilers for potion brewing, BUT drink certain potions only when characters would reach certain lvl. So it would be like ‘artificial’ restrictions which I’ll apply for myself to have legit and balanced gameplay.

But as I’m newbie in MM6 I’m not sure – which lvl boundaries I should choose? So I need your help, guys! So far we got such potion’s tiers: Continue reading

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Might & Magic 6: mouse cursors

In today’s stream I’ve created this cursors for Might and Magic 6 🙂

Example, new cursor on white and dark surfaces

Please feel free to download this cursors there: cursors.zip

Then you just need to unpack it to ‘data’ folder  ( C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 6\data ).

I publish this work on CC0 licence, anyone could use it without any limitations 🙂

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Warriors of Waterdeep: rooms before Rust monster guide

WoW guides menu: beginners guide | Follow the Voices | before Rust monster

Guide by S4x0pwnd:

2 levels before rust monster boss I got stuck again. My advice: Continue reading

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Warriors of Waterdeep: beginners guide

WoW guides menu: beginners guide | Follow the Voices | before Rust monster

Warriors of Waterdeep guide for new players by TTjiong:

This is a general guideline to take you from 2 member party to average party level 8 (Use of Epic items) // assuming F2P Continue reading

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Warriors of Waterdeep: Follow the Voices guide

WoW guides menu: beginners guide | Follow the Voices | before Rust monster

Pre-history: recently I’ve stuck at Follow the Voices location in Warriors of Waterdeep. I don’t have much gold (getting it mostly from events and arena chests) and it’s pretty common problem in WoW. I’ve found very good guide @ game discord, written by 793.

How to complete Follow the Voices
mission 2 with lvl 4-5 team, a bit of luck and a bunch of tries. Continue reading

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Tree of Savior: big font size solution

Tree of Savior is pretty cool f2p MMORPG (you could download it in Steam), but it got one problem – small UI size. In the past I’ve created video guide how to increase it a bit, but it didn’t help much.

Now I’ve got much better solution – new font, focused on making game font and UI bigger. How to change ‘Tree of Savior’ font size:

Download new font: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nC2nLBvjA5tzHX-Q3Ld7OrXfqxHZX6w_/view?usp=sharing
PASSWORD: name of the game (no spaces, no capital letters)
Copy it and replace files in this folder: \steam\steamapps\common\TreeOfSavior\release\languageData\English\font

Video instruction (there I showed old font, much smaller; new one much better!):

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