Morgoth killed! At last!

It was experemental testing attemp for a dragon race rebalance – where exp penalty was removed in exchange to:
-20 all stats
-3 HP
– RES_NEXUS not at lvl 1, but at lvl 50
– skill-disarm-phys:-16
– skill-disarm-magic:-16
– skill-device:-16
– basic breed (I’ve disabled all breeds of dragons except traditional basic ones)

So basically this dragon was much more weak than vanilla PWMA dragon. I didn’t expect to go so far with such nerf.. I thought this tiny dragon will not manage it. But he did 🙂 Video: Continue reading

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MAngband android client demonstration

Sneak peek at MAngband ( android client:

It’s even got animation ^^

And browser web-client coming too! 😀 It’s already possible to connect with it to TomeNET/PWMA to walk around 😉
To connect with browser client – enter credentials and wait for some time.. It’s in very deep test mode, so errors occures (check for debug messages with ‘F12’).. Browser client is kinda in _very_ deep demo pre-dev version. Android client is much better developed so far 🙂

Download android MAng test client:

Damm.. Playing with android client gives possibility to play in VR. I’ve got Samsung Gear VR, so I’ll try and make a report about it 🙂

Future is near!

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Rage of Mages 2: class & monsters rebalance

Some changes which we made over past weeks (to be in touch – please join our discord):

1. Code update by @WarBeginner:

  • the way to control teleport distance
  • fixed bug with ‘max_skill>100’;
  • fixed bug with max stats potions for witch/amazon
  • new min-max exp brackets for quests

2. Server updates:

  • class changes:
    amazon +13 reaction (more defence); mage +4 strenght (with proper items (body+1 hp+50 could tank by using ‘l’ key and auto-heal; become paladin-like); new stats:
    warrior 52 50 48 46
    amazon 48 65 52 52
    mage 52 46 52 50
    witch 43 58 65 50
  • 5th monsters: reduced damage and defence; buffed experience
  • duration of ‘Bless’ and ‘Haste’ spells doubled; elven scrolls costs increased x1.5
  • dragon resistances revamped (swap earth with water)
    (please note that text descriptions at scrolls display wrong information; normal scrolls works as 50 mastery skill; elven as 100 mastery skill)
  • summon spellbook cost: 75kk->25kk
  • Added rule:
    13. It is forbidden to deliberately block the passage of a player; especially with the goal that the player was killed by monsters (except for ‘PvP’ maps); it includes stone walls spell, using summoned creatures or blocking player with ‘body’ (or any other method).
  • Mana costs:
    teleport 180 -> 360 (teleport should be escape option, not a way to move around)
    fireball 30 -> 40
    firewall 60 -> 100
    poison cloud 60 -> 100
    prismatic spray mana: 70->60
  • Added ‘horror’ difficulty – please test it for blunders: shops, bugged mobs, exploits etc
  • price increased for scrolls: elven magic arrows
    reduced for scrolls: summon and control spirit
  • teleport scrolls distance (tp for warrior should work like ‘dash’/’jump’ skills)
    common 50k 3 distance
    elven 500k 6 distance
  • 2-handed melee weapons now give additional defence, absorption, attack speed; their cost reduced (10%)
  • attack speed of spears reduced (they always were OP); spears got bonus to attack
  • all undeads and necromancers got astral resistance; also succubus got a bit
  • mage’s teleport distance is limited to 12 (at 110 skill)
  • orcs tp distance fixed
  • troll4/5 stone curse fixed
  • Added table with monsters
  • reduced distances to certain magic spells
  • elite mage armour price buffed (so it will come up at horror maps as tavern rewards)
  • bracelet/amulet price 10x (now it’s high-end equipment; you will still be able to upgrade it with quests)
  • reduced exp for dragon4 (750k->500k)
  • exp penalty readjusted: ‘Hard’: -10%; ‘Horror’: -15%
  • summoned spirits (and also skeletons, zombies) can’t regenerate or be healed

3. @klen312 (Мафусаил) made a script to cancel quests automatically

4. Maps

  • Changed order of maps for medium and hard maps
  • rebelanced and fixed bugs at medium maps
  • ‘Monsters’ map is more accessible for newbies who wish to hunt trolls
  • ‘Turtle Beach’ map live
  • added shops at central towns (Ordeal, Terra, Valley)
  • removed some minor quests from medium maps and revamped a bit
  • no more intercept dragon4 quests at ‘hard’ for now (replaced with ‘kill’)
  • reduced troll4 respawn
  • ‘Middle’ and ‘Turtle Beach’ map quests revamp
  • removed loads of ‘minor’ quests from medium maps (so rolling for good quest will be easier). Please report about ‘bad’ quests (which give low exp.. except easy maps)
  •  Judas got another dragon3
  • Middle
    – added dragon4 S
    – reduced respawn troll4
    – added q for ogre 4
  • Added experemental intercept dragon4 quest at Horror maps. BEWARE! It’s not an easy task as it was before. Try it on your own risk.

Hat passed 200 accounts registrations! 222 at the moment 😉

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Might and Magic VI – legendary RPG

I still remember my 1st time in M&M6.. I came as a little boy to my step-father friend as a guest (made a visit) and he had MM6 installed. I’ve created my party and walked around New Scorpigal fearing every noise, collected all herbs and spend hours by mixing them 😀 .. Later on when I had MM6 at my home PC I still didn’t came far away im terms of walkthrough – I several times started the game, made it to Ironfist Castle.. Then MM7 appeared and I came there, never coming far away from the beginning…

It’s so fun to make it finally at MM6! I’ve started streaming my walkthrought – in Russian at and in English at 😉 I’m trying to avoid spoilers and exessive saves. So far it’s very fan. So much games which deserve to be played at.. So I have to put them in queue 😀

I’ve decided to make stream only at one, Russian-speaking channel, so my walkthrough will be easier to watch (so you won’t need to go from one channel to another to see it in right order). But I’ll make videos about MM6 in English too – first thing will be guide for new players without spoilers in English. So.. You are welcome to watch my main adventures in Russian and creative MM6 videos at English channel

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Rage of Mages 2 NEW UPDATE (2020)

We had a wipe and a lot of new updates:

  • All items except books, scrolls, and healing potioons have been removed from shops; from now on, equipment are obtained from monsters or as a reward from taverns (also I wanna remind you that in taverns you can’t get experience as reward);
  • Players do not drop items on death anymore;
  • PvP will be allowed only on the end-game maps or arena;
  • Scrolls cost is tremendously rebalanced (for example, teleport scroll was 100k, now it’s 500k);
  • The mana cost of spells for a mage is increased 2-10 times (for example, teleport spell was 60 mana; now it’s 300 mana);
  • Healing potions now heal +1 HP. A large can costs 100 g, but it is quite heavy. Small – 150 g, but they weighs 2 times less;
  • Mana potions – small restores +1, and large restores +2;
  • Regeneration potion costs 10 times more (it was 100 g, it became 1000 g);
  • Buffed two-handed weapons (+20% speed);
  • Poison cloud moved from the sphere of Water to the sphere of the Earth (finally earth got  AoE spell; the water still has a hail);
  • Removed many in-game rules to make the hat more autonomous;
  • There is a gradual introduction of the new maps; the first week or two will be only a ‘easy’ difficulty;
  • Fireball spell got increased damage;
  • Reduced distance of magic missiles.

Continue reading

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Tangaria updates

Past stream: ORCISH ARCHER:

Tangaria got loads of new features – new home-storage in town, new dungeon generation possibilities, NPC descriptions, new races – golem, gargoyle; and a lof of previous races rebalance, eg half-giants (can’t teleport), barlogs (perma-aggro), cambion (drain exp) and much much more 😀 

Don’t forget to join Tangaria’s discord channel:

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Diablo 1-4: retrospective

I’ve made meme about my favorite series:

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Past stream @ Tangaria YEEK ARCHER

Past stream @ Tangaria YEEK ARCHER:

Tangaria got loads of new awesome feature  Custom shops, lore and purring cats  And huge race revamp coming!

Cya in-game!

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Rage of Mages 2: new classes

The hat development team made great stuff:

  • Fixed a bug with the duration of buffs with skill 208+
  • Added the ability to change the maximum stat parameters of character
  • Added customization of the amount of loss of experience when the character dies

This allows us to introduce new classes on the hat, which will gain special flavour with the future Body+2 balance (T4). So… Maximum class parameters:

    • Warrior 52 50 48 46 – good old warrior. At T4 will have less Earth Protection, but will have more vitality
    • Amazon 48 52 52 52 – magic resistance in exchange to health
    • Mage 48 46 52 50 – retains its usefulness due to its good survivability; prefers magic staves
    • Witch 43 58 65 50 – “glass cannon”. low hitpoints is compensated by the power of spells casted “by hands” (both attackers and buffs); fast turning speed helps slip away from the PK.

These are all experimental parameters; during the testing process they could be modified both upward and downward.

Further, as part of the experiment, the fines for death on the maps were changed:

Important clarifications:

  • for death from PK – experience is not lost (exp loss only if monster made final blow)
  • on the “ARENA” map you do not lose experience and items – this is a map for training PvP

Write your feedback on our discord channel 🙂 See you in the game!

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PWMA items/houses problem

There is a ‘problem’ with storage due special balance of items income in PWMA:
1) ‘birth_no_selling’ generate a lot of items which are optionally useful, but player can’t sell them. The only option is to dump them for later in town areas
2) items income is based at V-Angband which got free huge storage ‘0’ in city; in PWMA you could only buy houses which aren’t cheap and smaller onces doesn’t have enough empty space

It brings a problem that players put their items in ‘tavern’ or just hide them in the world surfaces (in ‘town’ locations items won’t be removed). And it brings yet another problem – ‘free’ items which new players occasinally finds – breaks newbie players experience.

In TomeNET/Mang problem with storage doesn’t exist as there you could sell items. In PWMA 95% of players are going with ‘birth_no_selling’, so we got this problem.

An example of this problem is live on server right now, screenshot:

On screen you could see my character and his items which he temporary stores at tavern; I got plenty of scrolls, amulets, rings.. and it’s not all, I dumped some other stuff which I wanted to use later; but I destroyed them not to ruin tavern with too much rubbish.

Now lets imagine there would be items not from 1 player, but from 10. Or 50. Everything woul be covered with several layers of rubbish.

There is a very nice way to solve this problem – to add ‘Home’ (‘0’ in terrain.txt) in custom town, so it work not only for base town in no-wilderness mode, but also in normal more (it could be an option in mangband.cfg).

So it would be a building like a ‘bank’. For ‘1-char/account’ this won’t break game balance, but reduce item managment inconvenience (one of the biggest problem in online roguelikes) and would solve this problem with rubbish. Ideally it would be system where you should pay certain amount of gold to ‘open’ more storage in the bank. But as current ‘0’ not too big, it’s alright as it is for now.

This ‘bank’ won’t remove the need of normal houses – because they could be used as player shops and additional storage; which, again, is very needed in online version of the game.. if player got the game on local machine he won’t notice this problem at all.. but at multiplayer version its pretty critical.

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Tangaria updates

We got a lot of new stuff in Tangaria:
– PWMA updates: a lot of bugs fixed, new custom stores, ranged auto-retaliation and much much more!
– new class: archer
– 20 new races 😀
– ASCII mode adjusted to Tangaria tileset

Cya in-game!

If you got any questions – please feel free to ask anything at our discord channel:

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RoM2 server updates!

Recently our ‘Rage of  Mages 2’ server got loads of new updates!

– max skills is 110 (up from 100!)
– no need to create ‘lift’-characters – high lvl char could enter ‘easy’ maps
– new ‘Quest’ maps with ‘Strenght +1’ balance
– new client
– mage/warrior rebalance
– fixed bugs
– PvE at all maps except ‘Quest’
– No exp for quest in taverns, only ‘legit’ gain via monsters
– new monsters (eg low-mid stone curse monsters which can’t really bind you char, but stun him for very tiny moments)
– No ‘mail’ to get stat potions, only kill dragon/high lvl mobs quest
– Special ‘bazaar’ on Hard maps which helps to get mid-game equipment faster; no need to grind shops for hours
– Fair-play rules
– 100+ players; online up to 12 players (for new hat it’s pretty good)

And very friendly community! 🙂

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PWMA: shadow, light and joint work

Yay! It seems ‘undefined packet’ on login is beaten at last 🙂 Good job! And it’s great to have custom house doors and STORES 😀 Thanks!

New problem appeared – night in towns. I often get client crushes without any error (in server log it’s just ‘disconnect’). Also main town at night is really glitchy, I’ve prepared video (it’s not published at youtube, accessible only via this link):

It shows ‘walls’ and hide them on the screen without any purpose. I suppose this error could appear because there are too many different objects on the screen, so it’s hard to change their appearence with shadows for game engine.


1) if it’s not possible to fix this shadows glitches asap, maybe as a temporary solution to night problems: add an option to server config file – to turn off day/night changes in towns (because it’s quite critical problem; not possible to play the game when it’s night around – crushes and glitches)

2) add an option to client config file – ‘view’_yellow_light’. Then I’ll be able to turn it on by default in my client distribution; because without it players do not understand is there a light in dungeon corridors


[22:59]flambard:not sure if it made it into PWMA, but I guess so, there should be an option to enforce any client option (or set a default) in server .cfg

It would be cool to have such feature – to be able to assign any client option at server cfg. I’ve tested it by adding ‘view’_yellow_light = true’ to server config, but it seems it doesn’t work.


And some topics considering development process:

A) Considering upcomming monster’s change and tileset:

You said before that you are planning to rework all monsters in the game and port latest V monster changes there. I’m not fun of V-changes in monsters, but still I kindly invite you to use my tileset as default in PWMA for this job. You said before that you need to make a decision – which tileset to maintain (you are working at 3 of them at once) and which to drop. You are welcome to use Tangaria’s tileset, with all it’s terrain features. It’s got plenty of empty space to bring new monsters (and would give possibility to save from extintion old ones, by moving them somewhere down, I’ll do it for Tangaria). I’ve assigned ‘torch’ light for all regular dungeon terrain features, so now it’s looks much better (the only problem is night at towns). Actually we could work on this tileset together – you just say what do you want to add and where and I’ll make it. We could rework tileset structure, so we both would be happy with it.

Also you are welcome to use my map of the world or any parts of it, eg town or some other locations in default PWMA. Tangaria’s main town is really beautiful and it makes starting location feels pretty special.

B) For the future, maybe it’s good idea to try and port game to SDL2, as Flambard investigated. And there is already a working demo!

[18:05]flambard:there are automated client builds that keep up with latest developments,…g/auto-develop

SDL2 gives loads of new features, eg possibility to make _animation_ to the game, looks really great (now it’s already works on monsters attacks!). Also SDL2 client possible to port on Android and iOS. We tested it, it works %)

C) Finally, there is an old idea: combine online roguelike developers efforts – to try to find more point of joint work. Server’s code isn’t really compatible it seems, so as a start Flambard suggested – to make unified client for all trinity of online roguelikes. If it’s not possible at this step – maybe at least make new features compatible for all clients? Maybe there could be certain ‘API’-like compatibility?

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Hat launch (Rage of Mages 2 server)

Hat is launching today at 21:00. What’s new:

  • hat platform made by Exciton and ZZYZX
  • this version of the client got working menu (but there may be other glitches .. we will test)
  • changed shops on all maps
  • horror complexity server launched with the most expensive store
  • spell rebalance; details can be seen there

Thanks for help to ZZYZX, WarBeginner, Anotomix, Zhuxus, Nikolay, ILIUS, Chariot and all, who supported in discord!

To play you have to download new client and fill google form registration. More info

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Rage of Mages 2: server test finished

Preliminary testing of A2 server is completed. Unfortunately, due to the fact that the hat is laid out on the github in a cropped form and half of the players can’t even log in there (plus logins hang up, experience flags do not work, the log-password is not saved) – we return to the oldschool acom hat.

New registration open , you should use gmail account to register there.

Pre-registration is already open! Hat will be launched very soon. Details – in the discord

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