Originally Posted by Nick
I’m sorry about that post. It was Monday morning, I was feeling kind of grumpy, and you popped up accusing someone else of being counterproductive and it just all got a bit much. |
No problem, no harm done. It’s cool to have freedom of speech and I hope it would stay the same at this wonderful forums.
After all – we all wish good to Angband. There is no enemies, we all on one side, just have different vision on matters.
I’m sorry if my crude English language was offencive, I got two properties – hot temper and straightforwardness – which mixed together sometimes bring troubles. Sorry for that.
But still it’s fun to have this discussion, even if everything predetermined. We all let off steam a bit there, in this topic.. So we could move forward without hidden disrespect. It’s good that we ‘purged’ ourself, put all thougths and feelings to this basket.
I wish good luck with current Angband updates. I’ll still continue to play ‘old’ lore version of the game, but I would continue to look into new updates and would be glad to take new interesting monsters to my variant (or maybe Powerwyrm would include them to PWMA – as my variant is based at PWMA).
This discussion gave to me some new experience and knowledge, I hope that I’m not alone in this positive aquirement and this conversation gave some positive stuff (along with negative, there is no way to deny it) to the community.
Kind regards,